Revisiting Circumcision

Circumcision is one of those controversial decisions that every parent of a boy must make. We have blogged on it before but I felt it necessary to revisit the issue. The AAP has been neutral on the issue saying that the potential benefits of circumcision do not necessitate the procedure. They describe it as “preventative” rather than necessary. However, based on two new studies showing that circumcision substantially reduces the risk of spreading HIV and STDs, the AAP is reviewing their stance. One point that has been brought out repeatedly by those on both sides of the debate is that … Continue reading

Circumcision: Joining the Covenant

Abraham, the first Jew, was the first human being to practice circumcision. Since then, circumcision has been a ritual that brings Jewish babies into the covenant with G-d. In fact, the Hebrew name for circumcision, or brit, is the same word for covenant. In Soviet Russia, where all Jewish rituals were outlawed, and in concentration camps during the Holocaust, there were many who risked their lives to bring their sons into the covenant, and in spite of many who disapprove of the custom, the number of Jews seeking kosher circumcision for themselves and for their infant sons in increasing. Circumcision … Continue reading

A Very Special Bris

On Tuesday, we were privileged to make our son’s bris or circumcision ceremony. (b’h) According to Jewish law, a child should be circumcised the 8th day after birth, so long as he is healthy. We do not know the reason behind the mitzvah of circumcision; Abraham, the first Jew, was commanded by G-d to circumcise himself and since then, a circumcision is necessary to enter the covenant of Abraham. Since the bris ceremony was held during the Nine Days of Av, a time of mourning for the Holy Temple, we ate fish instead of meat. We were very happy to … Continue reading