Kindness Wedding Planning Tips

We talked about the kindness trend in wedding planning earlier today and I’ve discussed the idea of registering to give in an earlier article. The idea of asking for donations to favorite charities and more is a growing devotional for many couples who are planning their weddings. If you are looking for some ideas and tips to incorporate kindness into your wedding – here are a few ideas: As suggested in Registering to Give; Rather than Receive ask your wedding guests to make contributions to a favorite charity or chosen cause that is important to you or important to them. … Continue reading

Kabbala 101: The Attribute of Kindness (Chesed)

What is true kindness? Is it just being nice? And is it possible to be constantly nice without losing yourself? In yesterday’s blog, we began to discuss the 7 divine traits, which include: Kindness (Chesed), Discipline (Gevurah), Tiferet (Beauty), Netzach (Victory, endurance) Hod (Humility), Yesod (Foundation) and Malchut (dignity). Each one of these traits includes the other six within it. Now, back to the first trait we are learning, which is Chesed or Kindness. Pure kindness is given when we truly do not expect a reward. “Random Acts of Kindness” is a good way of expressing what kindness is in … Continue reading

Compassion: The Higher Love

I have some issues with the word “love” in the English language. The word, when translated, is problematic in other languages too, but one problem is that in English, one can say that one “loves” something that only gratifies selfish needs. For instance, a person can say they “love” their child and at the same time say they “love” chicken l’orange. Certainly (or hopefullY) a person does not love their child and chicken l’orange in the same way (Although I have heard parents say their kids are so cute, they could “eat them up”) but this only demonstrates the problem … Continue reading

Secret Santa Revealed

I know most of us have been involved in the Secret Santa thing at some point – at work, at church, etc. If you haven’t, it usually happens when someone draws your name and gets you something for Christmas, but they don’t reveal who they are, they just sign the card Secret Santa. But in Kansas City, one man has taken this to great lengths. Every December for 26 years, he has given money out on the streets of the city. It started out simply enough, with him handing out five and ten dollar bills. But as his fortune grew, … Continue reading